Part One
Being a Bintulu boy , I am somewhat elated by the fact that Bintulu was the site of the first Council Negeri meeting during the rule of the first Rajah of Sarawak, Sir James Brooke in 1867.
100 years since the first meeting, I was a young student at Tanjong Lobang School, Miri doing my Form Four education.
In 1967, the Postal Department issued a commemorative stamp in rememberance of 100 years of Council Negeri in Sarawak.
I am not an avid stamp collector but surprise! I do have a piece of the commemorative stamp in my album. So here you can see it.
The Sarawak government deemed it fit to give due respect ( my words)/ recognition ( official word) to this simple gathering that planted early the seeds of democratic principles and practise in Sarawak.
This traditon continues to the present day.
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